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Humility is The Artist's Way

acting Jun 30, 2023

Humility is The Artist's Way


It takes huge humility to be the artist. 


To really be the artist, so much of your craft, of your practice and your process will go unseen and will go un-applauded. 


And not only that, so few people will really get experientially the life you live, the choices you make out of the passionate honouring and valuing of the life of an artist.


So there is a humility to it.


And if you can really honour and find the enoughness and the value in the ordinary then extraordinary things will emerge.


~ Helena Walsh

Voice & Acting Coach | Human Empowerment & Resiliency Organic Intelligence® Consultant


Helena’s teachings are inspired by Organic Intelligence ® @getoi , Fitzmaurice Voicework ® @fitzmauricevoicework & Neurosystemics™


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