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Navigating Emotions: Love & Rage | Fight Flight Freeze

acting boundary Jun 29, 2023

Actors, when emerging from numbness or freeze, you may experience a profound sense of hurt and pain. However, as you gradually move beyond this stage, a new level of resilience emerges—the fight. It is during this phase that you begin to regain your agency and determination. Of course, it is essential to note that a perpetual state of anger is not the goal. Rather, the aim is for the fight state to naturally ebb and flow, allowing for a return to a state of equanimity.

It’s important to recognize that these emotions should only be challenged if they become fixed states, where one is unable to experience anything other than rage, freeze, or a constant need to please others. Our objective is to cultivate a fluidity within ourselves that encompasses all of the aforementioned emotions, enabling us to be attuned and responsive to whatever the situation requires.

~ Helena Walsh
Voice & Acting Coach | Human Empowerment & Resiliency Organic Intelligence® Consultant

Helena’s teachings are inspired by Organic Intelligence ® @getoi , Fitzmaurice Voicework ® @fitzmauricevoicework & Neurosystemics™

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