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How do you speak up when you feel silenced?

inspirational quote public speaking voice May 18, 2022

“Silence isn’t empty, it’s full of answers” ~ unknown

So how do you speak up when you feel silenced?  

Your voice is your body and if the voice has been silenced, so too has the body. Leaders are responsible for empowering others to find their voices and speak up and out as advocates for change, innovation and creation. When we foster this then we have embodied inclusion, diversity, equality on a consistent level. It is the practice, the daily practice that grows our bandwidth for change. This allows our system and those systems we are within to evolve. How can we empower communities to come together to become more sustainable, resourceful, more compassionate ? It starts with your practice with your biology. 

The Empowerment and Resiliency Circles are a wonderful way to empower yourself. They are weekly gatherings largely based on self care and aim to give you ground and stabilize you as well as support you during the week, especially if you are feeling overwhelmed.

A maximum participant / tutor ratio of ten to one provides a high level of individual attention, coaching and feedback.  DM to get started!

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